Right from understanding the topics to clearing the exam, we offer you a one-stop solution for all your learning needs. Now learn with us, uninterrupted from the safety of your home.With a simple user interface, design and exciting features, our app is the go-to solution for students across the country.Why study with us? Want to know what all you will get? 🤔🎦 Interactive live classesLet’s recreate our physical experiences now through our state-of-the-art live classes interface where multiple students can study, together. - Periodical live classes to ensure you clear your exams- Raise your hand feature to solve individual queries📚 Course material- Get access to course, notes, and other study material on-the-go- Regularly updated content📝 Tests and performance reports- Get online tests and exams- Track your performance, test scores & rank from time to time.❓ Ask every doubt- Clearing doubts has never been easier. Ask your doubts by just clicking a screenshot/photo of the question and upload it. We’ll ensure that all your doubts are clarified.- Clear your doubts on the go through our mobile app🏆Proven record of excellence: - We have been part of the market for a long time now and we have helped multiple candidates clear their exams. - Excellence has always been our motto, and the only thing that will never change is our motto.⏰ Reminders and notifications for batches and sessions- Get notifications about new courses, sessions and updates. No more worrying about missed classes, sessions, etc. because we only want you to focus on your studies.- Get announcements around exam dates/special classes/ special events etc.📜 Assignment submission- Practice makes a student perfect. Get regular online assignments so that you can become perfect.